I never had the pleasure of meeting Arlene in person, face to face; but God gave me the awesome privilege to celebrate life with her, to pray for her, to love her, to call her friend and embrace her as a sweet sister in Christ; all through the simple act of blogging. She touched my heart in ways I believe God desires of all. By faithfully reaching out to others, through belief, trust and hope in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
My hope and prayer is this....whether you come here to ask for prayer for yourself or to offer a prayer for another....please come to His throne filled with thanksgiving and praise, guided by the power of the Holy Spirit, with a heart full of desire for intimate communion with our Father...believing...always believing
To post a prayer request, all you need to do is go to the comment section and enter your prayer. When you hit submit, it will appear. Please...type as much as you like, you do not have to mention names if you do not wish and you can post anonymously... While this is a public blog, let us always be sensitivite to others. There are a number of prayer warriors who receive all comments, all requests for prayer automatically via email.
To offer prayer for an existing prayer, again, go to the comment section of the post. Once you submit it, it will post.
This blog is not intended for discussion, debate or opinion. It is a quiet refuge, an oasis of sorts to lift up the needs of others to the Lord. As administrator of the blog, I do monitor closely for inappropriate comments and/or spam.
God's blessings to all.
Terry has left a new comment on your post "Welcome to By His Stripes":
Dear Donna.....what a great thing this is!
May the Lord add his blessings to this blog "Welcome to His Stripes".
God bless you Donna
Please pray that I continue to do well (mentally and emotionally) and as I recently returned to work after a lengthy medical leave, pray I do well in my new position. Also continue to trust in the Lord for all things! May He receive all the glory for what He has accomplished in my heart, spirit and soul.
I am requesting your prayers for a blogging friend. You may have heard of her, Stephanie Nielsen in Utah. She was in a plane crash over a year ago and still recovers. she has had more surgery in the last couple of weeks to "grow" more skin for skin grafts and this is extremely painful. She has four children, wonderful husband and family but really requests our prayers. She is very brave and doesn't complain but I can tell from her blog that she is growing very weary. Thanks so much.
BTW, here is here blog address. http://nieniedialogues.blogspot.com/2010/01/new-list-and-my-comeback.html
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