And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid....
And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people....

For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord....
December 1, 2008
Constance said...
Please keep me in prayer for my knee. I have had a problem with it since August, severly restricitng me from the things I love to do (mainly hiking). I am going in today (Dec 1st) for an MRI. The Orthopedist suspects a torn Miniscus (knee cartildege) and will in all liklihood schedule me for Arthoscopic surgery to trim off the torn cartiledge. It's a fairly simply procedure but because of my auto-immune disorder of low platelets, any type of surgery is risky for me due to my blood not clotting well. Also, because my system is so compromised, I am not testbook for recovery time either.
December 1, 2008 9:34 AM
Trish said...
Lord, Be with Connie as she goes through testing and possible surgery. I pray she will have no problems that her blood would clot normally and her recovery time is quick and she is back on her feet in no time. In Jesus precious name I pray.
December 2, 2008 11:37 AM
Felisol said...
Praying for Connie today.
From Felisol
Transferred From November
Please pray for Marissa! She needs prayer so bad. She's one of "my" teenagers. She's surrounded by junk, and believes she's junk too! She's a beautiful girl who has more than her fair share of the world! She knows Jesus but doesn't believe all He has for her!
Lord I lift up Connie to you as she has her knee repaired. Please let her body heal and take care of her compromised immune system. You know and care about her needs.
Dear Lord, please surround Marissa with loving believers to help pull her closer to you. May she believe all you have for her and reject the strong worldly influences.
Dear Donna.
Can the girls pray for me.
I seem to be getting so weak and it is a struggle each day for me to even walk a lot.
I have my doctor appointment in January but I think that tomorrow I will make an appointment with my own doctor for both Bernie and me for a complete check up.
Thanking you all in advance...Love Terry
OHHH never have to ask that....this blog is for anyone and everyone needing prayer....I am sooo sorry you are hurting....and I have been praying for you every day....and everyone who visits here is willing, able and passionate to pray for you...
love you my friend
Dear Lord, I lift up Miss Terry to you. You know her struggles each and every day especially now with her weakness to walk. Please be her strength as she is having physical difficulties. Guide her to the right doctor to help mend the body you gave her.
Prayer request fro Erin's Mom
"Everyone Please pray for Kimberly, she has had severe abdominal pain and nausea since Sunday and now she was hospitilized yesterday with an unknown illness after passing out at work."...copied from Erin's site
Would you please pray for my 11 month old Grandson Elek? He has just been diagnosed with asthma and he has been very sick. Also pray for my daughter Kelly she is getting no rest since she is up with him so much during the night.
Thank you all.
Dear Lord,
I now pray for Miss Terry. What a privilege to come before your throne and pray for these our dear friends. Touch her body Lord, ease her pain. Give her rest and peace that only You can give Lord.
In Jesus Precious name i pray,
I just want to thank all of you girls for praying for me.
Yesterday, I started to feel better and for the first time in the week, I was able to go out with Bernie for a coffee and was able to do a little shopping. Today I am feeling a lot better and I just want to thank you all so much. It is a precious thing to have such good and faithful friends...Love Terry
Lord you are a present help in times of trouble...our rock of ages, our strong tower....thank you for loving us..
I lift up each and every person, need, situation and ask for your intervention, healing; pour out your care, love, grace and mercy
in jesus name, Amen...
Please remember my son in law in prayer. Rob is having a heart catherization tomorrow. They found through a routine work physical that he has had a heart attack and didn't know it. Thank all of you for caring and praying!
Dear Donna...Here is an update on Kimberly, Erin's Mom
Just wanted to Thank everyone for your prayers and words of encouragement also to update everyone, Kimberly came home this morning and is feeling better. She has to do several follow ups with different Drs. Her test results showed some concerns that she may have possibly MS or Lupus that is effecting her in several ways. Kimberly has 2 aunts with Lupus and it more fits her signs and symptoms as well. We continue to rely on God to supply our needs and answer our cries of prayer. We know he is the ultimate healer and supplier but as we all know His ways arent always our ways!!!! We Thank you in advance for your continued prayer and support during these trying Holiday times. As if these holidays werent going to be hard enough , and we already knew I have to have neck surgery Dec 22,now we have Kimberlys issues as well. I know God says he will never put more on us than we can stand, so I guess hes just making sure of the difference he has made in our lives, to have TOTAL and ULTIMATE Faith in Christ to provide and meet our very present needs!!! God Bless Everyone and Merry Christmas.
Erin, I Love and Miss you more than words could ever say but Im soooo glad to know you are just that extra special Angel Mommy, Dadddy and I need!!!!
Brian Malone
Kingsport, TN
United States
Father God I lift up to you a five year old little girl diagnosed with leukemia...dear Lord heal her, surround her parents with courage and strength as they look each day to you for understanding, love, mercy, grace and peace...please bring complete healing to Delaney's Jesus precious name, I pray
Dear Lord...I would join Donna in this prayer for the little girl and her parents. Hold them close to thee Lord the name of the Lord Jesus Christ Amen
We are home from the hospital and everything went well....there were no polyps and he doesnt need to have the procedure repeated for five years... Praise the Lord
thank you all for your prayers....I continue to pray for all the needs brought here....and trust in His sovereignty...
Dear Donna...I have been waiting to hear that good news. I KNEW he was going to be all right.
We have a great God....Love Terry
Sorry about this duplicate entry - just posted on our scarf blog because I couldn't see that I was just supposed to leave a comment --and not a post. duh.
Please pray for my friend Dawna's stepson, Brian. Brian is 25 years old and was admitted to the local hospital last night with blood clots in his legs and a severely impacted bowel. A few moments ago, they life-flighted him to Pittsburgh because he has a pulmonary embolism (blood clot in his lung). This is a very life-threatening situation. I know that you all will storm the gates of heaven on his behalf.
Thanks sisters!
praying for all of the needs today and adding one for our family. my sister and mom are at the hospital with my brother in law Rob. Rob went for a physical for work and was found via e.k.g. to have had two previous heart attacks unawares. today he had a cath at the hospital and was found to have two blockages, 100% & 90%. he was taken via ambulance to the Henry Ford Main Hospital where he will have angio this evening. if that is unsuccessful he will have bypass surgery. Rob is 43 years old. please pray for he and my sister Amy. thanks.
Lifting up the needs here to you Lord. Please be with your children and bring them peace and healing. May their loved ones not be anxious for the test results ... but have your calm during these storms. Amen
Dear Donna
Here are two requests for prayer that I received by email;
1...By Gerald Wolfe
Carson Baker To Undergo Surgery
Carson Baker, son of Chad & Bethany Baker, will undergo surgery on Thursday December 11 at Vanderbilt University Hospital in Nashville.
This will be the second of two surgeries to correct a cleft-palate. His first surgery went really well several months ago, and doctors are expecting him to come through this second surgery with "flying colors" as well.
We are requesting that you mention Carson in your prayers on Thursday, and ask the Lord to guide the hands of the surgeon and nurses, and to give Carson a good day and a speedy recovery.
Most of our friends know Carson's Dad, Chad, from meeting him at the product table at our concerts. He is a vital part of Greater Vision's ministry and he, Bethany, and Carson are very important members of our family.
We appreciate your prayers on Carson's behalf, and we will let you know about his progress in our next Email Update.
Thank you!
2...By Cindy Wheatly
Dear Friends, My brother, Brent, called me a short while ago & asked that I put his best friend, Calvin, on the prayer chain. I don't know what happened, but he is not expected to live thru the nite. I think he is only around 50 or so & I don't know if he is a Christian or not. But I promised that we would pray. God knows all the details. Please pray for Brent, too. He is pretty upset. Thanks. Hugs to All, Cindy
Gerald Wolfe
Greater Vision
Thank you for this prayer blog Donna!
Dear Lord There are now three young children that we lift up to Thee. Little Elek with his asthma, five year old Delaney with leukemia and now this little guy, Carson who is about to undergo surgery.
We pray for our two young girls, Serina and Marissa that Thou wilt given them the confidence that they are loved by Thee and by their loved ones.
Praying for Donna's sister, Betty and Rob on their heart healing.
Also this young man, Calvin that if he is not saved that Thou wilt save him and then, if it isn't asking too much Lord that Thou wilt let him live and be a testimony to Thee.
Praying for his friend Brent who knows the power of asking for prayer on Calvin's behalf.
We will not forget to pray for Connie and her sore knee, and for Brian with blood clots in his legs,and his bowel problem. Please give the doctors extra help as they treat him. He must be so scared Lord so I really do pray for him that he will feel Thy closeness.
I pray again for Erin's mom, Kimberly who is being tested for either lupus or MS and praying especially for the whole family who are facing the Christmas holidays without their little daughter, Erin.
Thanking Thee again for answered prayer for Donna's Ron and also Grandpaw Ron....Thank Thee Lord for sending Thy dear Son to die for us and that is why we may freely ask of Thee all the name of the Lord Jesus Christ...Amen
Update from Cindy on Calvin
Dear Friends,
To the total amazement of his doctors, my brother's friend made it thru the nite & "appears to be stabilizing." They said there is now a "slight spark of hope" that he will come out of the coma. His heart had stopped twice, but "doesn't appear to have any permanent damage," so..........pray on, people, pray on!
Thanks & Hugs to All, Cindy
Hello Dear Friends,
Just a quick update on my brother's friend, Calvin. Brent said he was out there today & the doctors now say that there IS hope that he will recover if they can clear up a bad lung infection. (On Wednesday, they had only given him hours to live, with no hope at all, so this is a definite answer to prayer!) He was starting to come around & was fighting the respirator, tubes, etc., so they are keeping him sedated for now to allow his lungs to heal. Brent said to thank everyone for your prayers & to please keep on praying for a while longer.
Thanks & Hugs to All, Cindy
Dear Friends,
Our Amy is leaving for Kamloops tomorrow morning to have *the* surgery on her knee. Yes, a total ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) reconstruction. Surgery is scheduled to start shortly after noon on Wednesday, the 17th. Amy did her exercises faithfully for months, but it was not enough. Her knee is still unstable. We are amazed, actually, that she was able to get a surgery date so quickly.
Keith will be going with Amy and Tyler and Daniel (7) and Anna (5) will be staying with us.
Would you please pray for them, for safe travel (it is cold and icy in these parts) and for a successful surgery? Amy was very ill with nausea after the last surgery and dreads that more than anything. The admitting nurse assured her that the anaesthesiologist will give her something to prevent that this time. She said that she has clearly marked it on Amy’s chart. So, please pray that she will feel OK (as OK as it is possible to feel, after a hamstring graft and having screws put in your leg, anyway).
It seems selfish of me to ask for prayer for us, Granny and Grampa, too. But I will, anyway ;) A few of you know about some recent developments with my health. I won’t go into that, now. Suffice it to say that caring for two energetic young children for a couple of days will probably be very challenging. Some days are much better for me than others. Please pray that these will be the better days.
Lord I lift up Amy to you and humbly ask that you would give guidance to the doctors preforming knee surgery on her. Please help with her comfort level after the surgery. May you grant her safe travel on the cold and icy roads and a good recovery. Please give Miss Terry and Bernie added vigor as they tend to some young people for a few days. Please continue to touch her body and give her comfort knowing that you are in control. In Jesus name, Amen.
Please pray for Richard who is scheduled for out-patient surgery on Friday for a kidney stone that is causing a blockage....he is the husband of my dear friend, Vicki at Windows To My Soul....(many of you know her too)...dear Lord you are the healer, protector, the great physician...let it be you will for his complete healing and recovery from this operation....comfort Vicki as she waits....I pray in Jesus precious name....Amen
thank you Lord
Dear Donna...i just came here to pray for Richard and before i left I got this good message from Sabine..
"Amy is resting at the motel now. I talked to her over an hour
ago but just haven't had time to squeeze in a minute to write.
Her surgery went very well. The surgeon was pleased. He had a
look around in her knee and didn't find any arthritis, which was
a pleasant surprise.
She had a wee bit of nausea as she was coming out of the
anaesthetic but the nurse gave her Gravol and knocked it right
They are planning to travel home tomorrow. The roads were bad in
some spots on the way down and they had a few tense moments.
Thank you for praying for Amy! Please pray that they will have a
safe ride home.
Thank you for praying for us, too. We are managing quite well.
The house looks like a tornado hit it but that will be taken care
of eventually ;)"
Lord, I pray now for Richard as he will be going in Friday for surgery. Comfort both him and Vickie as Thou hast in the past with their health problems and bless the doctors and be their hands as they operate.
I pray for the travelling that Keith will have to do as he takes Amy home tomorrow and relieve any pain that she may be having. Thank Thee that Thou hast given her a successful operation. Thou dost deserve all the praise!
Oh Lord, Marissa and Serina are constantly on my heart and I pray for their happiness and give them Thy peace.
Praying for Brian that all is going well for him...
Lord I haven't heard how Calvin is doing but Thou dost know and I pray that Thou wilt keep him ever in Thy care.
Lord I also pray for our dear Donna as she maintains this prayer blog for Thy glory, and thank Thee for so much positive answered the name of the Lord Jesus Christ..Amen.
Has anyone any information on how Connie is doing with her knee?
Dear Lord...I pray for each request, for every body that needs healing, for safe travels, for rest and peace that only you can bring. May each one find comfort in your arms and for any that may not know you...send Your precious Holy Spirit to soften their hearts and please help them find Your Saving Grace!
From Sabine....About Amy.
"Amy is home safe and mostly sound.She was sick on the way home. Hopefully the nausea wll go away now that she is not in motion
Thank you so much for your prayers."
Dear Lord I pray for Vicki's dear Richard as he goes in for his kidney stone operaton today..
And praying that Thou wilt take the nausea away from Amy,,in the name of the Lord Jesus Chist..Amen
My Sister Susie just called me...her son Jeffrey was rushed to the hospital last night, they say he has fluid around his heart and think it's an infection but will do further testing. Please pray for peace and healing...Jeffrey was very scared because he was having trouble breathing, he is only 27 years old and has a wife and 2 young daughters...please pray that this brings them back to the Lord.
Love you all!
praying for jeffrey, Father grant peace to this young man's mind, wisdom and skill to his medical team. send an army of angels to encamp around him and let the truth of your presence and power descend on the hospital. in your son's name we claim all good things for this family. amen.
Dear Lord...I want to join with my sisters in prayer for Jeffrey that he will be healed. Thou hast answered so many prayers the last two weeks so we know that we can come boldly to the throne of grace and plead for dear Jeffrey.
Please allow him to spend Christmas with His wife and children if it be Thy will.
Asking all of this in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ....Amen
Dear Friends, With all the holiday hustle bustle, I haven't had much computer time lately.......
Brent called me a couple days ago, quite happy. He had gone to visit Cal & the respirator was out & he was sitting up in a chair! Praise the Lord for answered prayers! He is still very weak & his lungs are not totally clear yet, but they are now expecting him to make a full recovery! Ain't God Good?!
Thanks to all for your prayers. Maybe keep them up for a few more days as he regains his strength?
Have a Blessed Christmas.
Hugs to All, Cindy
Dear Lord, please bring your peace and healing to Trish's nephew Jeffrey. May your kindness abound and may his heart be restored both physically and spiritually unto you.
Praising right along with Cindy regarding Calvin.
In Jesus Name Amen.
From Erin's family
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2008 09:01 PM, CST
Christmas is 2 days away! Tis the season to be Jolly! How hard it is to do right now. I just finished wrapping all of our gifts. It was extremely hard! I know Erin is spending the most beloved Christmas with our Savior! His birth is the reason we celebrate! I don't ever want to forget the reason we celebrate this miraculous season! Praise be to God for the birth of his son, our redeemer! I wish all of you a very blessed and Merry Christmas with your families! To those of you who are spending Christmas without a special loved one I pray for extra strength and comfort for you! Wrapping presents and not wrapping Erin any was the most heart wrenching thing I've done. I love my baby and I wish she were here with me but she is with Jesus! Chris, Brian, and I and our families so appreciate all of your support and prayers! Especially during this very trying time. Brian, Morgan, Briana, and myself plan on starting new traditons to carry on for our family in the upcoming years. We will NEVER forget Erin at Christmas or any other time. We have added a new tradition to our family for Erin. We are each writing Erin a letter or a card and will be placing it in her stocking Christmas Eve. On Christmas morning, we will read them to Erin. ERIN MICHELLE PAGE you were a magnificent daughter and you live on in our family and in so many other people's lives and memories! I love you my baby girl! Oh, how I love and miss you every moment of every day!
Merry Christmas, Donna. Just wanted to check on the prayer needs here and add my own: that my loved ones would come to the Lord this year.
Praise report...Jeffrey is home from the hospital and so happy to be with his girls for Christmas! He was diagnosed with Pericarditis
which is an inflamation of the Perocardium the sac covering the heart. It should run it's course and he should be good as new soon! Thank you so much my faithful friends I knew i could count on you and your prayers!
God is on the Throne and Jesus Lives!!!
Merry Christmas!
Dean's mom was taken to the hospital on Christmas day, her lungs are filling with fluid. She has been placed on a BiPap and will be put on a ventilator if her condition does not improve. We're waiting for updates and may have to head to Alabama if she continues to deteriorate. Thank you for your prayers.
Oh Sara...I am praying for your mother in law right now...Love Terry
Praying for Dean's mom's health condition. Love, Mrs. Mac
Praying here...too
4:15am...just read the prayer request for Dean's Mom...praying here in Pennsylvania!!!
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