O Holy Night
O Holy Night! The stars are brightly shining,
It is the night of the dear Saviour's birth.
Long lay the world in sin and error pining.
Till He appeared and the Spirit felt its worth.
A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices,
For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn.
Fall on your knees! Oh, hear the angel voices!
O night divine, the night when Christ was born;
O night, O Holy Night , O night divine!
O night, O Holy Night , O night divine!
Led by the light of faith serenely beaming,
With glowing hearts by His cradle we stand.
O'er the world a star is sweetly gleaming,
Now come the wisemen from out of the Orient land.
The King of kings lay thus lowly manger;
In all our trials born to be our friends.
He knows our need, our weakness is no stranger,
Behold your King! Before him lowly bend!
Behold your King! Before him lowly bend!
Truly He taught us to love one another,
His law is love and His gospel is peace.
Chains he shall break, for the slave is our brother.
And in his name all oppression shall cease.
Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we,
With all our hearts we praise His holy name.
Christ is the Lord! Then ever, ever praise we,
His power and glory ever more proclaim!
His power and glory ever more proclaim!
Update from Diane:
Dwade is in ICU and has received 2 units of whole blood. His blood pressure has responded well and was at 103/60 at last check before I left. His color is much better, his heart rate was stabalizing and he was feeling stronger. They were going to check his levels again about this time and give him more blood, if needed. The GI doctor was due to come either sometime during the night or tomorrow morning and decide what they will do to stop the bleed and when it will be done. The doctors are currently thinking they will be able to go in through a scope procedure, either down his throat or through his colon, to cauterize the bleed. Prayerfully they will not have to do an open abdominal procedure.
Dwade had to be rushed by ambulance to the hospital. He is bleeding out and they don't know from where, as yet. They are giving him transfusions and his blood pressure is very low. He is extremely critical and Diane asked that we all pray?
Update from Diane
11/25 God is so good! Dwade is doing so well they moved him out of ICU before Noon today! He has already been up and taken a short walk. He is, of course, in pain and weak but that is to be expected after this kind of surgery, or any surgery for that matter. We're not sure when he will be released. He cannot leave the hospital until the stent is placed to stabalize the anuerysm. The surgeon spoke with Debra today and told her this type of anuerysm is only seen once about every 30 years. The vast majority of people die with them before they are ever even aware they have them. The type stent they are asking approval for is not FDA approved in this country. It is used experimentally in Canada and some European countries. The doctors have petitioned the FDA for special privileges to use it on Dwade because it is their only option. Without it, the anuerysm will continue to grow and will eventually rupture and kill him. It's location prevents them from being able to do a bypass on that artery. There has not been a recorded success with surgery on this type anuerysm. All for whom surgery has been attempted have died on the table. So, there are still some hurdles, but he is doing so well. We know the hand of God has been in all of this from the very day he discovered he had the anuerysm. Please focus your prayers now on his continued healing and approval from the FDA for this procedure. The doctors are telling us it will most likely be sometime next week before they will hear from the FDA. Also, please pray that Dwade will have patience and will not let being held in the hospital get his anxieties worked up and cause him to have a setback. Thank you all for praying. I know the Lord is hearing and answering those prayers!
Update from Diane:
11/24... just wanted to thank you all for praying for my BIL. His surgery went well, although not what we expected. After getting in and seeing the condition of his heart and the actual anuerysm, the surgeon decided to do two bypasses and close and go back at a later date through his groin and place some sort of special stent in the artery where the anuerysm is. He explained to my sister that, had they proceeded without doing the bypasses first, he would have died on the table when they cut the blood supply from the left main coronary artery because the blood suppy was more restricted than they had thought through the other veins. He is resting as comfortably as possible in the ICU and will likely be there until late tomorrow or early Thursday. They plan on doing the other procedure after a few days of healing, but before he is released from the hospital. We are so thankful the Lord gave the surgeons the wisdom to know how to approach this and what was best. Please continue to pray for all of them as his recovery begins.
Please pray for the family of Laurel Jones Childs, who lost her fierce and courageous battle with cancer Sunday afternoon 12/06 in Memphis, Tenn. May her family and friends find comfort and peace knowing she is at home with the Lord...
From Cindy....
My friend Joan is still fighting for her life in the hospital as she battles pneumonia. She went through chemo and a bone marrow transplant this summer for leukemia which left her without much immunity. She was progressing so well but a couple of weeks ago got a sniffle which became pneumonia because her body couldn't fight off what would be just a few days of discomfort but nothing serious for the rest of us.
She is now on a ventilator to help her breathe and while the pneumonia isn't getting a lot worse, it's not getting better.
If you are a Christian who believes in the healing power of prayer, please take a moment to pray for Joan.
thank you for telling us donna..i am praying now for joan...god is the god of miracles...love terry
could you please pray for bernie?
for the last week he is getting extreme pains in his left arm.
the doctor has sent him for x-rays and we will find out in the next couple of days what it is.
what bothers me is that he won't take a day off work. he figures he would rather be working than to be sitting at home in pain.
thank you...love terry
here for morning prayer; please keep the updates coming. our love to bernie.
I'm praying for Bernie....and sending hugs!
Please pray for my sister, Lori. She has a kidney stone and is in quite a bit of pain. The ER sent her home with some narcotics - which initially helped. The pain has moved from her kidney to her bladder - a good thing - but she's still hurting and is scheduled to work tonight (she's an RN in a pediatric hospital)...hard to take care of babies when you're hurting so much yourself. The urologist can't see her until Friday. Thanks for your prayers!
dear deb..i just came here now to thank you girls for praying for bernie and then i saw about your sister lori.
i am praying for her now.
sometimes i wonder if it is worse being sick to your stomach than to be having such pain as lori and bernie are having.
sometimes i feel so helpless as what to do and i am just ever grateful for donna that she has this place where we can "touch bases" we ARE helpless but we have the greatest gift of all..being abole to pray for each other.
i just phoned the doctor about bernie and we won't hear until friday either deb.
thank you deb and sara!...love terry
Terry, Deb, Diane, and Cindy,
All of your request are not going by unnoticed. I often pray for the requests, but don't always leave a comment that I'm doing so. I feel convicted that I should be more aware that people need to know that prayers are being offered on their behalf.
I pray for these request, that pain and worry be ministered to, that healing will take place and that the peace that only comes from the Savior surronds those in need. I speak the name of Joan, Dwade, Lori and Bernie Father, let your healing virture flow...meet their every need. In Jesus name, amen.
at one thirty yesterday the pain left bernie's arm and never returned until just his morning as he was getting ready for work.
it was a relief to him and he had a good rest.
we are still waiting on the xrays.
i think that bernie should really stay at home but he says he will be in pain one way or the other, so he may as weill work.
thanks for your prayers...
has anyone heard how dwade is doing?
miss patty..i know that you are praying and i would like to add to your list donna's friend joan..
i pray for lori too that she will not be in such pain when she is working....love terry
Thank you to all for praying for my BIL, Dwade. I am thankful to report that he is now back at home and is doing well. They found an ulcer in his small intestine and are treating it with medication. He continues to heal well from the heart surgery. He did have a mild heart attack during the bleed episode, but it has left no damage to his heart. For that, and so much more, we are forever thankful! God has blessed us so richly in so many ways with regard to Dwade's health. Christmas this year holds so much joy and pain for our family. We are so thankful for Dwade's healing but will continue to miss Momma and it is our first Christmas without Terry. So, as with so much of life, there is always pain and joy. Because we know Jesus, the joy will be greater than the pain. Praise the Lord!
Diane, Thank you for this praise report on Dwade; thank you Lord Jesus for your healing upon him.
Please keep Nick in your prayers. He had surgery yesterday on his back, an injury from a car accident a couple months ago. The surgery went well; please lift prayers for his complete recovery.
Dear Lord...I praise you for your healing touch and continue to pray
for Dwade, Bernie, Lori, Laurel and Joan. Touch them, and may they feel the awesome power of Your presence.
In Jesus Name,
From Connie...
My daughter Jessica just called me and her best friend Chelsey and her family desparately need prayer! Their youngest, 10 month old Kiersten had a seizure yesterday afternoon and they took her to the hospital here in Denton. While she was there she had 2 more. They transported her to Cook's Children's Hospital down in Ft Worth where she had 6 more overnight! She is in ICU and has had Spinal Taps, she will see a Neuro-Surgeon this AM. Please pray that she has had no brain damage, that the Doctor's know what the problem is and can treat her completely. Please also pray for Chelsey, her husband Beau and their 2 other kids, Caleb & Carleigh!
Connie, praying for all concerned....thank you for the privilege to post this here....
pray for my brother rick who struggles with OCD, and will need God's grace going forward as my mom slips further down the memory loss (dementia) slide. Pray for wisdom for me to only expose mom to what will benefit her over the Holidays. Thanks D S
Our scarf sister, Cindy received word on friday that her friend Joan died after a long hard battle with leukemia that was lost in the end not to cancer, but because of not being able to fight off a cold that turned into pneumonia. She had undergone chemo and a bone marrow transplant this summer that left her with a compromised immune system.
Please keep Joan's family and friends in your prayers as they grieve the loss of their loved one.
Dear Lord,
Please be with Trish's mother as she rests and recovers from her two surgeries...such a loving family you have given this precious mother...we pray for all as they continue to love and care for her. In Jesus precious name....Amen
oh yes donna!
i will sure pray for trish's mother and for trish too..love terry
Please keep my mom in prayer. She was admitted to the hospital yesterday afternoon to test for problems related to loss of blood, pounding in ears .. and chest pain. Her name is Helen .. I'll post more when I get more info.
Thanks for having this prayer group.
From Deb.....
Please pray for my friend Dianne's husband Darryl. A 10cm mass has been found in his chest -- grapefruit size. It is between his heart and lungs, pushing up on the heart. They are doing some further testing to see if they can find anything more. Biopsy through the ribcage should be next. Please pray.
From Cathy in Denver...
Please add a prayer for my Dad who is in the hospital again. They are not sure what is causing his difficulty and are awaiting test results. Pray for God's plan to be accomplished in him.
Prayers for Paul.....
As he travels this weekend to Beijing, China ...He will be working with Let's Start Talking (www.LST.org) offering free English conversation using the Bible as text. He leaves on the 19th of Dec. and will be there from the 20th until Jan. 3. Please keep him in your prayers on this mission for God....
Dear Jesus, Divine Physician and Healer of the sick, Comforter of the troubled; calm us with Your gentle love...
our sick are under Your care and I humbly ask that You restore Your servants to health again.
believing whatsoever You do, You do for the love of us. Amen.
Kelly posted a prayer request...for her dad....
please pray for my dad, he just took himself to the ER..we're thinking he has kidney stones...
(this is Tomer...Trish's hubby)
dear kel and trish...i will be praying for tomar...love terry
Kell has posted that Tomer is being admitted to the hospita and will probably require surgery........please continue to pray for him and for Trish and the entire family.....
Trish and Kel,
I am so sorry to hear this news. Please know that I am praying for Tomar and for all the family. I love you all!
Warm hugs.....
Please pray for Louise over at Coram Deo. I just heard that she suffered severe stomach pain yesterday and was admitted to the hospital.
Thank you,
oh trish..thank you so much for the information. i like louise and i haven't even been to see her for too long..i feel bad that she isn't feeling well. i will pray for her and go over and see her.
hoping she will be out of the hospital before long but if she isn't, i surely do know what those doctors and nurses and hospital workers will be getting....the good gospel of the lord according to louise!
god bless her...love terry
love to all of the prayer warriors and those whose names have been brought before the throne this year. i am so grateful for this "place" of serenity, peace and victory. blessed 2010 as we walk forward with arms open to receive those who will need their own names called out to God.
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